New edition of Good Decision Making is the best guide to the Mental Capacity Act and end of life care

We are delighted to be publishing the second edition of “Good Decision-Making” our best-selling guide to the Mental Capacity Act (MCA) and end of life care.
The new edition contains clear information about the Mental Capacity Act for staff working in end of life care, individuals and families. It shows why the MCA matters, who it applies to and how to apply it in practice. It has been revised and updated in line with legal developments, and also includes a new section with information about Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS). It is essential reading for anyone involved in making decisions about end of life care, whether their own or supporting or caring for other people.
Simon Chapman, NCPC’s Director of Policy and External Affairs, who wrote both the original guide and the new edition, said: “The principles underpinning the Mental Capacity Act are vital to good palliative and end of life care. It provides a framework which empowers and protects people approaching the end of life as well as those who have to support them. We hope this booklet will be widely read and distributed.”
Written in a clear accessible style, Good Decision Making is available from the NCPC store, with discounted prices for bulk orders.
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