
NCPC offers a wide range of services to help and support you to deliver excellent end of life care in your community.
Subscription scheme
The best way to access all of NCPC's materials and events is through a subscription. Click here for more information.
NCPC has a wide range of publications on key issues, all written and produced by our team of experts, and many of which are available to download free of charge. Click here for more information.
Education and Training
We run national and regional conferences and workshops on all the latest hot topics for end of life care. Click here for more information.
Policy and campaigns
NCPC works to support people with personal experience, providers across all sectors including hospices, national charities, care homes, supported housing, hospitals, general practice and primary care, social care, public heath, academic institutions, and health and social care commissioners, to ensure that palliative and end of life care stays high on the national agenda.
Visit our policy, parliamentary affairs and campaigns pages here.
Monthly Policy Roundup
In April 2011 we launched a new service exclusively for subscribers: a monthly roundup of the latest developments in palliative and end of life care, with commentary from NCPC, delivered straight to subscribers' inboxes. Find out more here.
Annual Subscriber Forum
Every year NCPC holds a forum for our susbcribers to come together from different regions of England, Wales and N. Ireland to highlight areas of good practice, ask questions and raise concerns about palliative and end of life care.
Policy Roundup
We offer a roundup of the latest developments in palliative and end of life care, with analysis and commentary, delivered straight to subscribers' inboxes each month.